Monday, July 16, 2007

Kekayaan Fellow

Kekayaan means Rich in Malay language. This is a great estate and formerly here they call it as jungle complex. A lot of great person were well trained from here and today they are General manager or Opearation Director. However, some left to look for their ambition such as me. was one of my senior. Glad to meet you.

1 comment:

McBudu said...

Hai Lai, I hope life treats you well, well, better than yesterday!

It looks like your planters spirit never dies! So do I, my life as a planter was the most memorable one and I will never get a replacement for that. Those days are the days that I grew up to be on my ownself, to be strong physically and mentally, to be independant! It is indeed a very good trainng ground.